
Google is trying to set us up! – BREAKING NEWS – The New Web Project revealed before it’s release!

Posted in Action, Discoveries, Events, News, Secret by whuup on June 17, 2009

discovery_troogle7_thumbPicture: part of the piece of paper we discovered.

WHAT WE DISCOVERED TODAY IS HUGE. Glad we made it back.. it was pretty exciting. We went to the Bilderberg Hotel in Amsterdam this morning as some Google employees should have a meeting today. We wanted to interview some of them and confront them with some critics heard over the internet about Google and the public’s privacy concerns. We decised to secretly film some of the members entering the building, which you’ll see later this week.. we try to get the video online as soon as possible.



Pictures: Google CEO Eric Schmidt arrives in his car in front of the Bilderberg Hotel Amsterdam.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt arrived first, obviously holding some very important papers, you can see them on the photos in this blog post. After that, several other members of the Google staff – we don’t know their names yet – arrived at Bilderberg’s.. WHAT THEN HAPPENED WAS REALLY REMARKABLE! One of them dropped his papers.. HE DROPPED IT, just in front of us, several meters from our standing point. They quickly got the papers together and went inside, but guess what……

THEY LEFT SOMETHING.. a piece of paper with some notes about what they are planning to discuss.. which made us VERY UPSET. The piece of paper made true what we already thought about the so-called ‘company who wants to make ALL information free available for everyone’. One of the Google credos is ‘Focus on the user and all else will follow’, well now they WILL do that, and are going too far also.



Pictures: Eric Schmidt walks anxiously to the entrance of Bilderberg.

Google plans a ‘New Web’

Google has plans to work together with Microsoft and the World Wide Web Consortium (which we discovered yesterday). But also Mozilla and AOL are involved. And.. because of the secrecy of all this (and the cars parked at Bilderberg’s) we believe the GOVERNMENT is involved too.

What are they trying to do? Well, the document tells us there must be some kind of a ‘New Internet’, where those 5 companies are working together to re-arrange the way the Internet works. We don’t know every detail yet, sorry. But this one is big, very big.

What we then discovered is a temporarily website about this project, it is called The New Web Project. What we can see now is just an announcement of ‘The New Web Project‘ that will be launced ‘soon’. When that actually happens.. we don’t know. But have you EVER seen the Google and Microsoft logos together on an official released website? We don’t. And we don’t think it’s a good idea to let two of the biggest computer networking companies working together, let alone 5 of them.. what will become of the smaller ones? Eaten by the big fish? Is this another prove of the monopolistic ideas Google has? And WHY are they meeting in Amsterdam? Is the Dutch government involved too? Or is it just a ‘random’ country like the meeting (probably about the same topic!) this week in Belgium?

We have discovered a lot more, but don’t want to tell everything, YET. Just wait for our video to be put online this week, we’ll discover what Google is trying to do fully. For now we just want you to check every day to see what is going on around here. Please also follow us at this blog and Twitter for the latest updates!


Secret Google’s CEO meeting at Hotel Amsterdam – June 17 2009

Posted in Action, Events, Secret by whuup on June 16, 2009

The Bilderberg Hotel is definitely tomorrow the place to be for people who want to know the truth. Rumours on several inside blogs and email conversations announce a meeting TOMORROW (the 17th of June) in the Bilderberg Hotel in Amsterdam of some international Google ‘heads’ to discuss.. well that’s a bit unclear.

We have some evidence that there is something going on. Something where not only Google, but also Microsoft, the World Wide Web Consortium and several other computer industry companies are involved.. WHY are they doing this in the Netherlands??

Let me say this: we WILL be there. I suggest you do too. We’ll let you know what we find out what they are actually doing there.