
Finally. A Google search alternative: Bing!

Posted in Publications, Web by whuup on June 4, 2009

binggoogle1Microsoft has a bad history of blowing millions of dollars on product launches for new online services and Web sites. Usually they were bad, and with Windows Vista in our mind.. well, you know. We’re not really a fan of Microsoft since then. But now they have something new: Bing. The search engine is a solid improvement over the previous search product, and it beats Google in important areas. It’s surprisingly competitive with Google, some reporters say. The image search from Bing is in our opinion much better than the old fashioned Google Images and has a lot more option. For example, you can search only for images with faces on it, or sort them by color. Rumours say Microsoft spent as much as $80 to $100 million on an ad campaign promoting Bing as an alternative to Google Search. You should give Bing a try. Just because Google sucks big time, and Microsoft is doing well with this new alternative.